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Daughter's Imperial Officers


Al-Rakim Court No. 31

Imperial Youth Directress - Dt. Anita Spence, HPC

Deputy Imperial Directress (Actual Past Commadress Exaltation) -

Dt. Marva Lamar, PC

Deputy Imperial Directress of HIV/AIDS Awareness Charity Fund -

 Dt. Lesa Beach, PC

Omar Court No. 91

None at the Moment


Al-Faruk Court No. 94

Deputy Imperial Marshal - Dt Christie Hudson, HPIC 



Nabbar Court No. 123 

Imperial Supporter of Computer Resources - Dt Theresa Hill

Imperial Health Education/Medical Department - Dt. Yolanda Gilbert

 Imperial Auditor - Dt. Vernice Scott, HPIC

Deputy Imperial Directress of Ruth Mayfield Ellerbe Thinking Pink -

Dt. Timolin D. Jefferson, PC

Imperial Deputy for the Oasis – Dt. Treasa Dumas-Jackson, PC

Deputy Imperial Directress of Choir/Music - Dt. Susan W. Gibson, PC

Deputy Imperial Directress of Promotions, Scrapbooks & Posters -

Dt. Ruth Stevenson, HPIC

Deputy Imperial Directress of Security - Dt. Joyce Coleman, HPIC

Deputy Imperial Directress Convention Department -

Dt. Brenda B. James, HPIC

Deputy Imperial Directress United Negro College Fund – Dt. Cynthia Lee, PC

Deputy Imperial Directress One Stop Shop/Cashier – Dt. J.C. Jefferson, HPC

Deputy Imperial Directress Constitutional Revisions – Dt. Sheila Freeman, HPC

Deputy Imperial Directress Charlie P. Albury Golden Years Mentoring –

Dt. Sharon Lane, HPC

Deputy Imperial Directress Dorothy J. Scott Relaxo - Dt. Mable Ray, PC

Imperial Marshal – Dt. Jacqueline McCoy, PC

Charlie P. Albury Golden Years Mentoring Supporter - Dt. Verlyn Smith, HPC 

Deputy Imperial Directress Bicycle Unit – Dt. Denise Mundy, PC

Security Department (Executive/Internal) Supporter –

Dt. Treasa Dumas-Jackson

Deputy Imperial Directress - Sickle Cell Department - Dt. Ebony Johnson 

Deputy Imperial Directress Sally Berry Fashion Show –

Dt. Katrina Williams, HPIC

HBCU - HPIC Latonya Burkhalter

Imperial Directress Daughters Training Academy - HPIC Pam Northern 


Stolkin Court No. 173

Imperial Directress for Community Involvement -

Dt. Kimberly W. Curtis, PC 

Deputy Imperial Directress - Dt. Barbara Peake, HPIC

Imperial Deputy Directress of Military Affairs - Dt. Carrie Smith, PC

Imperial Directress Officers’ Transactions - Dt. Rosa Broddie, PC


Masab Court No. 174

Imperial Deputy for the Oasis - Dt. Minnie Jones, HPIC

Deputy Imperial Directress of Credentials - Dt. Patricia Watkins, HPC 

Deputy Imperial Directress of Egyptian Parade of Stars - Dt. Vashti Pullen, HPC 


Ossipe Court No. 186

None at the Moment


Amman Court No. 195

None at the Moment


Al-Karim Court No. 219

Deputy Imperial Directress of Credentials - Dt. Tonya Taylor, PC


Al-Tariq Court No. 228

None at the Moment


Al-Tariq Court No. 228

None at the moment


Barack Court No. 233

None at the Moment




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Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of North and South America and Its Jurisdictions, Inc.,
Prince Hall Shriners, its Officers, Constituent Temples, and Members.”

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